Shareware Overload Trio 3
Shareware Overload Trio Volume 3 (Chestnut CD-ROM).ISO
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1118.ZIP 8663 10-05-93 General Protection Fault Guide for
WordPerfect for Windows v5.2
50PRINT.ZIP 11708 02-24-94 WordPerfect 5.0 printer file descriptions,
new files and changed ones as of 2/16/90
60ACHS.ZIP 293977 06-03-94 WordPerfect for Windows 6.0a Coaches package
update for install disk 7. Reqs WP 6.0a
60ENHANC.ZIP 39387 07-25-93 List of enhancements in WordPerfect 6.0 /DOS
6IEDRS.ZIP 226678 10-28-93 International Expanded WP.DRS File for
WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS w/6 Fonts sets
6TOOLS.ZIP 180651 10-12-93 6Tools v1.0 10 essential utilities for
WordPerfect 6.0. The successor to WPTOOLS
6TOOLS11.ZIP 181464 01-04-94 6TOOLS v1.1: 10 utilities for WP6.0 (5 more
if you register), this is the successor to
Seidman's WPTOOLS. Shrink files, protect
macros, use document summaries, browse files,
BKBILD1A.ZIP 141670 02-01-94 Bookbild 1.0a - DOS Pamphlet publisher for
WordPerfect 5.1/DOS. Converts formatted
document into correct sequence for printing.
BOOKWN1A.ZIP 78064 02-01-94 Bookbild 1.01 Shareware Pamphlet Publisher
WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows. Converts two
cross booklet into a camera ready document!
$10.00 registration. A SciTrans Product.
CNVLEX.ZIP 4105 05-16-94 This file explains a procedure to convert
WordPerfect dictionaries from earlier
versions of WP for DOS to be useable with WP
CROWDWPG.ZIP 17183 04-17-94 Clip art picture of a crowd for use with
Word Perfect.WPG
DBSWP1.ZIP 58460 10-11-94 DBSCAN for WordPerfect v1.0 Mail-merge
for WordPerfect 5.1 users. It reads standard
Dbase III compatible database files and
merges the selected fields into a primary
merge file (a "Form") within WordPerfect.
DICTWP51.ZIP 328283 02-24-94 Contains 22,000 medical and legal words for
WP51 program.
FACMAC4.ZIP 103100 10-25-93 Ken Facklers Extensive Macro Package - v4.0
For use with Word Perfect. Dir 24
FKAT10.ZIP 47305 09-04-94 FONTKAT v1.0. Builds font catalogs for WP
6.0/DOS. Users mark only those fonts they
want to catalog. Users also choose what text
they want FONTKAT to use in producing a
sample of each font. Register for bonus
GCATWN31.ZIP 101830 04-20-94 Graphcat Clip Art Cataloger v3.1 for Windows
Builds graphics catalogs in WordPerfect 6.0
and 5.2/Windows. Reads all graphics formats
and can list files in database format.
GCATWN31.ZIP 107099 04-20-94 Graphcat Clip Art Cataloger v3.1 for Windows
Builds graphics catalogs in WordPerfect 6.0
and 5.2/Windows. Reads all grapics formats
has CD-ROM support and much more.
GCATWP31.ZIP 109636 07-01-94 Graphcat Clip Art Cataloger v3.1/DOS <ASP>
Builds graphics catalogs in WordPerfect 6.0,
5.1,5.1+/DOS (6/90 or newer.) Reads all
graphics formats supported by WordPerfect,
and sets up images in columns as a printed
index. Now w/CD-ROM support. MORE $20 reg
GKJOHN.ZIP 62530 02-09-94 The Book of John from the New Testament in
(unaccented) Greek, in Word Perfect 5.1 form.
HPLANWP.ZIP 60170 09-23-93 Bill & Hillary's Health Care Adventure, as of
9/23/93: Copy of the Prez's speech on health
care reform and some background documents on
the need for, and basic parts of, the plan.
In WP5.1 format
KEYTEM.ZIP 6772 12-01-93 KEYBOARD TEMPLATE MAKER WP6 v1.00 Requires
Word Perfect 6.0 Creates function-key
templated for keyboards with 12 function keys
LUMINET.ZIP 113058 09-04-93 LumiNet Tools v1.5 - Word Perfect Document
toolkit to create texts/docs from Clipper
and C sources.
MALT22.ZIP 53881 10-20-93 Praised by PC Sources as a "must", MALT is a
TSR that adds 90 new keys to WordPerfect DOS
and other DOS WPCorp products for running
Alt-like macros by using CapsLock + Key.
MALT uses a mere 480 bytes of RAM, can be
unloaded from memory, and does not interfere
with the normal operation of CapsLock.
(Version 2.2 adds support for WPDOS 6.0)
MH60US.ZIP 1406703 04-20-94 WordPerfect for Windows 6.0a online macro
help file update. Reqs WordPerfect 6.0a
MIL_SYM.ZIP 4666 09-12-93 DOD and air force seals in wpg format.
OVER4A.ZIP 315973 01-19-94 Over_LAZ for HP v 4 (file 1 of 4):
Collection of over 200 image overlays
for use with WordPerfect, WordStar,
PC-Write, Word, AMI Pro and others
and an HP LaserJet printer. Includes
office forms (memo, etc), rubber stamps
(draft, etc) and decorative borders.
PBSCAN.ZIP 39750 02-14-94 PBScan 2.0 for WordPerfect 6.0a and
Intel SatisFAXtion(TM) fax modem.
Utility for automatic updating of
the INTELFAX.DAT file. Scans *.PB
files, adds new phonebooks, and
removes any non-existing ones.
SMAGIC10.ZIP 57717 06-29-94 Screen Magic Utilities for WordPerfect v5.1
SpeedList - customized directory list
SpeedRetrieve - lists last 10 changed docs.
SpeedWords - menu-driven index of words
Special Character Menu - select 1 of 254 char
Pop-Up calendar configured up to 90 days
SPANWPKB.ZIP 2635 09-13-93 WP 5.1 Spanish keyboard preserving basic U.S.
Keyboard. Lower- and uppercase characters,
including help screen. Pressing twice on a
deadkey returns the key's original value.
SPL60A.ZIP 135812 05-10-94 WordPerfect for Windows 6.0a Speller Utility
files - US version. Installs into WordPerfect
v6.0a only.
TCHTYP10.ZIP 150931 07-08-94 TechType(TM) 1.0-D (Demo) for WordPerfect-
Windows 5.2 (ONLY): Six handy features to
simplify/automate use of special chars ("WP
Chars") and notations common to sci/med/tech
TED.ZIP 18932 09-01-94 Pocket guide to disability laws in
WordPerfect format. From U.S. Gov.
TPET20.ZIP 220716 03-16-94 TP-ET 2.9 - Electric Typewriter Program:
Turns your computer into a fancy typewriter.
Ideal for correspondence.
TT52.ZIP 561508 01-04-94 Thelma's Grammarplus 5.2 - An easy grammar,
style, spelling, and punctuation checker.
Reads WordPerfect, ASCII, and other formats.
Shows problems and has built in editor.
URDUKY23.ZIP 5658 02-24-94 Word Perfect 5.1 Keyboard for romanized
Arabic/Persian/Urdu. 12/90
UTL60A.ZIP 1114039 05-10-94 WordPerfect for Windows 6.0a Utilities
Diskette - US version. Includes installation
instructions for WordPerfect 6.0a
VIEW97A.ZIP 71339 10-30-94 VIEW 9.7a - VIEWER for WordPerfect 5.0-6.0,
Word 4-5, WinWord 1-6, Win Write, Notepad,
Ami Pro, Wordstar, Windows clipboard, ASCII,
ANSI. Text search, print functions, etc.
Direct link to JETCOL, 2COL and HLP2DOC.
Convert and print files directly. Ideal for
DOS and Windows shells (including e-mail).
WGMPAT.ZIP 46695 05-06-94 Contains PATCH.EXE by PocketSoft (distributed
by permission) and docs, required to update
Madison & Assoc. Products. If you already
have a copy of PATCH.EXE, ver 2.01 or later,
you need not D/L this file.
WINFO52.ZIP 56328 01-11-94 InfoShare docs for WordPerfect for Windows
version 5.2 in ASCII Text (faxable) format
WITS.ZIP 12935 09-01-93 WordPerfect Teacher & Student system Uses
DataPerfect (DP.exe or DPT.exe) Database
program for teachers to create and track
tests - must have dataperfect to run Dir 24
WP-PRTD2.ZIP 958401 11-19-93 Test Drive of WordPerfect Presentations 2.0.
File 2 of 2.
Calculator macro calculation box can be moved
with the motion keys so you can see the
numbers to add. The Edit macro is recursive
so that Edit can change codes inside codes.
WP51GOOD.ZIP 11666 02-24-94 WordPerfect 5.1 printer, bbs & other new info
WP5X_301.ZIP 26632 12-16-93 The wordperfect 5.x filter which comes with
ami pro 3.01 (including smartsuite) often
locks up when saving an ami pro file in
wrdperfect 5.x format.
WP60DOSM.ZIP 235877 09-22-93 Some technical info/listings on WP6.0/DOS
macros, in plain ASCII Dir 24
WP60HELP.ZIP 24394 12-04-93 Collection of word perfect help text files.
WP60MINI.ZIP 303953 08-25-93 Word Perfect v6.0 Mini Manual by E. Jones
WP6ALTZ.ZIP 5644 07-09-93 WP6.0 macro takes you to online macro help
index, one strike for A-L, double strike to
WP6DSK35.ZIP 4637 07-11-93 Wordperf 6.0 macros for 3.5" diskette labels
WP6MAC.ZIP 13925 07-10-93 WP6.0 macro to access the macro help
plus list all wp6.0 macro commands
WP6WIN.ZIP 19126 06-02-94 Text file of common trouble calls and
solutions for WordPerfect 6.0a from
WordPerfect Tech Support.
WPBKLT24.ZIP 127293 02-01-94 The WP Booklet System 2.4 - Simplifies the
creating of booklets with WordPerfect 5.1/DOS
Automated process, 8 booklet sizes, arranges
pages in proper order for printing.
WPCGPF.ZIP 12893 03-19-94 WPCGPF.ZIP Two GPF (General Protection Faults
Guides) for WordPerfect 6.0 and Presentations
2.0 for Windows. Files are in ascii text
WPCMPQ.ZIP 10392 09-13-93 WP 6.0 Sound Drvr: Compaq Business Audio.
WPDARE1.ZIP 1393914 10-29-93 WordPerfect office test drive Disk 1 of 2
WPDARE2.ZIP 1304420 10-29-93 WordPerfect office dare to compare this
program to other programs of its type this
program and WPDARE1.ZIP are test drives from
WordPerfect Corp. Disk 2 of 2.
WPFRENCH.ZIP 10442 02-24-94 Type in French easily with WordPerfect 5.x
WPKBTEST.ZIP 116196 09-20-93 WordPerfect Keyboard Skills Testing progam.
WPKFRE23.ZIP 294403 03-20-94 WordPerfect 5.1 FREEWARE macros v2.30 on a
KEYBOARD for easy access. These macros are
menu driven, user friendly and heavily
commented for easy chang- ing.
WPMFRE23.ZIP 114362 03-20-94 WordPerfect 5.1 FREEWARE macros v2.30 for
home or non-networked office use. Menu
driven, user friendly, and fully commented
for easy changing. From the complete office
keyboard WPKFRE23.ZIP More PC FREEWARE from
Gabriel Fineman.
WPSGXO.ZIP 1291 02-24-94 Wordperfect 5 util (from WPC) for xon/xoff ct
WPSYMBLS.ZIP 13543 02-24-94 One mnemonic keystroke access to WordPerfect'
"Compose" symbols and characters.Customizable
WPTB.ZIP 10436 09-13-93 WP 6.0 Sound Drvr: Mediavision Thunder Board.
files w/BASIC source code and text info.
WPUTIL36.ZIP 163595 02-24-94 WPUtil v3.6 -collection of extremely handy
little utilities for Word Perfect 5.1
WPVTPP.ZIP 14676 09-13-93 WP 6.0 Sound Drvr: Vocaltec Cat.
WPX_DEMO.ZIP 13920 09-24-94 WPX provides slight magnification of 80 by 25
text screens for WordPerfect, DOS, and other
text oriented programs. For tired eyes!